Convention photo highlights
Community College Journalist -- Fall 2001
Published: Tuesday, February 20, 2001
CCJA scenes from the
Washington, D.C. AEJMC Conference |

Journalist editor, Tina Vervoorn, represented CCJA and the Journalist at the AEJMC vendor show.

Above and below: Convention attendees visit the GIFT poster session, which was a wild success! |

You can post a lot at the GIFT poster session.

Journalist editor Tina Vervoorn does some sighseeing between workshops and vists the White House.

CCJA president, Carroll Ferguson Nardone teaches at Sam Houston State University, but ran into a statute of Houston in the U.S. Capitol statuary.

More visitors to the GIFT poster session. |

Edna Bauptista, who coordinates the GIFT program for CCJA, and Arlene Scadron of Pima (AZ) College were among the attendees. |