Fall 2000
Volume 27, No. 1
President's Message
Kudos Korner
Anatomy of Adult Learning
A Question of Ethics
Japanese Newspapers Evolve
Hall of Fame 2000 Award
Suggestions for Improvement
Embracing Web Technology
AEJMC Memories
Time Capsule: 1968
Letter from the Editor
Opinion Page
As I sat down to write my first message as president of CCJA, I promised myself I would make it a message that doesn’t refer to anything about the new millennium, 21st century, new age, etc. In order for the message to meet all the criteria and requirements, I turned to essay experts who used all their experience and knowledge to improve it. I, like many of you I’m sure, am tired to seeing the trite generalizations about the year 2000 and what it means to this or that.
This is a summary of news about members.
- California JACC SoCal Conference
- Juan Gonzales, El Tecolote Honored
- FACCTS Recognizes Achievements
ANDRAGOGY AND ADULTS: A national study of a three-weekend format
This exploratory study is designed within the theoretical framework of andragogy, the art and science of helping adults learn. (Knowles, 1980, p. 43).
The intention of the descriptive research is to examine a three-weekend accelerated classroom format that has been designed especially for adults who, for a variety of reasons, can not attend a traditional 16-week class.
TEACHING ETHICS: It's More Than Just Lectures
The story is told in Oklahoma that when United States Senator Robert S. Kerr was still a state legislator and controlled the state legislature, a lobbyist came to complain. The lobbyist had given another legislator a lug of whiskey to vote a bill. The three bottles of booze, taped together so they did not roll about in a bootlegger’s car, were consumed by the representative, who then proceeded to vote the opposite way.
Everyone has ethics. But not everyone has the same ethics.
CONFUSION TO FUSION: The Development of Japanese Newspapers
In Japan at the Millennium, newspaper readership is high. Advertising revenue is good, and profits are strong. Modern-day reporters and editors are well trained to serve a highly educated populace.
Initially, the Japanese newspaper industry came into being in fits and jerks. That it even survived, let alone evolved into a valued and respected industry in Japan, is somewhat surprising.
Dr. Gary Morgan became the 15th person to be inducted into the Community College Hall of Fame during the annual conference of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication in Phoenix, Arizona. Morgan was presented his award during a luncheon surrounded by friends and colleagues.
A CONTROVERSIAL SUGGESTION: Improving Journalism Educators
I have been immersed in higher education in one way or another for more years than I sometimes like to admit. Adding the 30 years I have spent in the classroom as a journalism/mass communication teacher to my days as an undergraduate and graduate student, and one will perhaps forgive him if I feel compelled to offer some specific--perhaps controversial--advice as to how good community college journalism/mass communication teachers can become even better in the classroom.
EMBRACING TECHNOLOGY: Integrating Web Pages As Part of the Teaching Process
Throughout the country more and more educators are embracing technology as part of the teaching process. One way even the most technophobic instructor can join the revolution is in the creation of course web pages.
A course web page is just one of the types of web pages instructors should be looking at to reach today's computer literate student.
My first editorial column...and I'm stumped! I've been thinking of things to say to you all for several months, and now that the time is here my mind has gone blank. If I close my eyes, I can picture the words; perfect, eloquent and meaningful. Keep your fingers crossed!
As is true in most election years, this year's presidential election has given us all a wonderful opportunity to talk to our students about the influence of the media in the electoral process.
Little did we know, though, just how much fodder we'd be able to glean from the events.
We, as individuals and as teachers, should be screaming about the way in which the broadcast media has done its job this year.
Recent Fall 2000 Articles
KUDOS KORNER (2/20/01)
ANDRAGOGY AND ADULTS: A national study of a three-weekend format (2/20/01)
TEACHING ETHICS: It's More Than Just Lectures (2/20/01)
CONFUSION TO FUSION: The Development of Japanese Newspapers (2/20/01)
HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE: Gary Morgan (2/20/01)
A CONTROVERSIAL SUGGESTION: Improving Journalism Educators (2/20/01)
EMBRACING TECHNOLOGY: Integrating Web Pages As Part of the Teaching Process (2/20/01)
OPINION (2/20/01)