Organization site - Summer 2001
Issue: 2/20/01

Table of Contents

Summer 2001

Vol. 28, No. 2

President's Message

by Carroll Ferguson Nardone

The College Press and Freedom of Expression

by Mark Paxton

What Really Happened at DeAnza College

by Beth Grobman Burruss

Online Banner Advertising

by David R. Thompson and Birgit Wassmuth

Financial Growth of Community College Newspapers

by Lillian Lodge Kopenhaver

Book Reviews

Cover Design: Bedouin women set up "shop" to sell jewelry, pottery, textiles and metalwork to tourists wandering through Petra's red sandstone structures carved by the Nabatean peoples 2,000 years ago. Petra is 160 miles south of Amman, capital of The Hashemite Kingdon of Jordan.

The Fall 2001 issue of the Journalist will feature Arlene Scadron, who spent 4 months tevelling to the Middle East.

Photography by Arlene Scadron