Organization site - CC JOURNALIST
Issue: 12/1/02
Information for Contributors
The Community College Journalist is published four times a year by the Community College Journalism Association.
The focus of the journal is journalism instruction in higher education, primarily in the community colleges, both in the United States and internationally. Since many in community colleges are advisers of student newspapers, the Journalist regularly addresses issues which affect these advisers.
The Journalist publishes narrative articles, interpretive reports, and research reports which appropriately match the focus of the journal. In addition, opinion pieces and critical reviews of books and teaching materials are published, but queries should be sent before submitting these items. Selections for inclusion are made by the editors and advisers to the editor of the Journalist.
The publication attempts to provide a forum for scholars teaching in any of a variety of subspecialties related to community college journalism. These include, but are not limited to, public relations, advertising and marketing, electronic communications, and new media. Contributions should seek to enhance knowledge within these disciplines. In addition, articles which explore teaching, teaching techniques and teaching devices are encouraged.
The review process takes from three to eight weeks, depending on time of year and demands on the editors' schedules. Every effort is made to notify contributors as quickly as possible, especially if a submission is clearly not within the scope of the Journalist. The editors assume that authors own all rights for their submissions and, that if something has been published elsewhere, permission to submit for republication has been secured. Proof of such permission must be produced on request.
Manuscripts may be submitted in one of two ways: As email (in Rich Text Format, please) or hard copy plus floppy disk (again, in Rich Text Format, please) via U.S. postal service. Hard copy submissions alone will be returned.
Articles are considered with the understanding that they are not currently under consideration elsewhere. Preferred length is 750 to 3,000 words. Authors should include telephone numbers and email address.
All material submitted must conform to the style and documentation requirements in The Chicago Manual of Style, 13th edition and the Handbook of the Modern Language Association, most recent edition.
Submissions via U.S. mail should be forwarded to Journalist Editor: Tina Davis, 163 East Loop Drive, Camarillo, CA 93010. Electronic submissions should be sent to Tina's email address: [email protected]