Organization site - GIFT Program
Issue: 2/20/01



The Classroom as Newsroom
How to manage and discipline students by simulating the work environment -- Dennis R. Bautista, Washington State

Multimedia Portfolio and Resume
How to motivate and retain students through a creative final project -- Edna R. Bautista, Tulsa Community

Community School Partnerships
How to get students involved in community media projects -- E.J. Conzola, Utica

An Integrated Communication Approach for Election Success, or I Ain't Got Time to Bleed: A Case Study
How to keep your students' attention while analyzing campaigns -- John DeSanto, Central Oklahoma

World Class Mass Communications/Public Relations Lessons
How to infuse globalism in the curriculum -- Zeny S. Panol, Southwest Texas State and Annette Aw, Nanyang Technological

Guest of Honor
How to use guest speakers constructively -- Helen Varner, Hawaii Pacific