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Schwalbe repeats GIFT win at 2005 AEJMC convention

The Community College Journalism Association, Small Programs Interest Group, the Scholastic Journalism Division and the International Communication Division of AEJMC are pleased to announce that Carol B. Schwalbe of Arizona State University made history at the recent AEJMC convention in San Antonio, Texas.

Schwalbe is the first Great Ideas for Teachers program scholar to be a back-to-back winner of the GIFT grand prize! She received a plaque and a $100 check from the four GIFT sponsors.

Schwalbe's GIFT is titled "Student Self-Evaluation: Know Thy Writing Strengths and Weaknesses." Her GIFT and 24 other great ideas for teachers are included in a souvenir publication. Copies of the 2005 GIFT edition are still on sale for $10 (plus $3 each to cover postage and envelope). Limited copies of the 2004 GIFT publication are also available at half price ($5). To order the GIFT publications, please send requests to .

More information about the GIFT program is on the official Web site at http://www.geocities.com/aejmcgift.

GIFT photos from San Antonio can be viewed on a public Web album at http://www.photos.yahoo.com/aejmcgift.

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New issue of Community College Journalist magazine available at companion online site

Now you can read and download the latest issue of The Community College Journalist at the new CCJA companion site, http://geocities.com/ccjanews. The new issue has information about the CCJA presentations for the upcoming 2006 AEJMC convention and also about the deadlines for GIFT submissions, nominations for CCJA officers and nominations for the CCJA Hall of Fame.

The AEJMC chip auction, which determined the times for the panels, was held Dec. 4, 2005, in Savannah, Ga. At that time, co-sponsorship of panels with other AEJMC divisions was also decided and finalized.

For information about submitting panel proposals next year for the 2007
AEJMC convention, please click on the headline above this story.

President's report

Dr. Steve Ames and Nils Rosdahl were inducted into the CCJA Hall of Fame Oct. 29 during the National College Media Convention (CMA/ACP) in Kansas City. Four previous inductees were present at the event: Jolene Combs, Tom Gould, Tom Pierce and Trum Simmons.

For more information about future CMA conventions, consult the Web site: http://www.collegemedia.org.


And CCJA Meetings

Aug. 2-5
San Francisco

Aug. 9-12
Washington, D.C.

Oct. 26-29
St. Louis

Can students learn as well in online journalism courses as in the classroom?
It depends on the course